Individuals facing disciplinary or professional misconduct charges are usually devastated at the allegations against them and have to endure distressing investigations and possible suspension meanwhil...
Professional Misconduct: regulation of health professionals
Health care professionals face increasingly burdensome regulatory obligations in today’s consumer focussed marketplace. Patient care is necessarily paramount, but the risk of regulatory scrutiny i...
Professional Misconduct: a Rogerson Law win
Rogerson Law Group has won an important appeal against a Registrar’s ruling denying registration of a real estate salesperson on the basis of her past conduct. The ruling makes clear that the Regist...
Health Professionals, Refresher Training – and Disciplinary Action
Health professionals, whether doctors, dentists, midwives, physiotherapists, and the like, are required by their licensing bodies to undergo refresher training at regular intervals. Where a health p...
Disciplinary Proceedings: nurse made ‘scapegoat’
A ruling against a nurse at a disciplinary hearing at the Ontario College of Nurses raises concerns over practices that are common place within a working environment, but where one individual is alleg...
What is Professional Regulation?
Professional regulation is the regulation of various professionals for the protection, safety and well-being of the public. Disciplinary tribunals and misconduct proceedings are undertaken by profes...