Professional regulation is the regulation of various professionals for the protection, safety and well-being of the public. Disciplinary tribunals and misconduct proceedings are undertaken by professional regulatory bodies against professionals who are alleged to have breached their professional duty of care.
Professionals must be authorised by their relevant regulatory body to practice their profession. Around 40 regulatory bodies exist in Ontario which oversee the regulation of different professions, investigating complaints and bringing disciplinary and misconduct proceedings against individuals.
These regulatory bodies have statutory authority by the state to govern entry requirements for the relevant profession, standards for practice and competence, ethics, authority to investigate and deal with complaints – and impose sanctions as appropriate.
Rogerson Law Group represents members of many different professions in relation to complaints, investigations, and disciplinary tribunals and other professional misconduct proceedings, including lawyers, teachers, and health professionals.
What professions are regulated?
Many are regulated, including:
- Accountants
- Architects
- Teachers
- Human resources professionals
- Lawyers
- Land surveyors
- Doctors, dentists, chiropodists and many other health professionals
- Estate agents
- Social workers
- Vets
Some professions are self-regulated by a professional body. This means the profession regulates itself rather than a government agency. This is becoming the norm for many professions. However, not all professional bodies have regulatory functions.
When regulation fails
Every profession is made up of people who are, by their very nature, imperfect and sometimes make mistakes or wrong decisions. Therefore, professional regulation can never be a guarantee against mistakes in the delivery of professional services. Complaints about an individual are likely to be investigated by the relevant professional body, regulatory breaches dealt and sanctions imposed. In serious cases, this can lead to being struck off a professional register.
However, do note that professional regulation is just a part of the broader redress that an alleged victim of a regulatory breach may have. Where, for instance, someone suffers injury or financial loss after a mistake has been made by someone in the course of their work, they may have a damages claim in negligence against the professional involved. In some instances, a criminal prosecution could follow.
How can we help?
The Professional Misconduct and Disciplinary Tribunals lawyers at Rogerson Law Group have years of success advising and representing professionals at the investigation stage, and in disciplinary and misconduct hearings. We also represent clients at appeals and judicial reviews following findings made against them.
Contact us for urgent advice and assistance.
Rogerson Law Group provides cross Border and Asset Protection services in the entire GTA including Toronto, Scarborough, Mississauga, Vaughan, Brampton, Richmond Hill, Etobicoke, and Barrie and surrounding areas with offices located in downtown Toronto, Barrie, and an associated office Ottawa. Contact us now at